Using Assign Directive in Freemarker

The assign directive in Freemarker is used to create a new user defined variable or replace an existing variable. Note that only top-level variables can be created/replaced (i.e. you can't create/replace some_hash.subvar, but some_hash).


<#assign name1=value1 name2=value2 ... nameN=valueN> // can be string, number or boolean as well
<#assign same as above... in namespacehash>
<#assign name>
  capture this
<#assign name in namespacehash>
  capture this
</#assign> //no need to use end tag

Example of Using Assign Directive


<#assign name = "Mark Smith", role = "Java Developer", salary = 1200>

<h1>Using assign directive</h1>
<p>Name: ${name}</p>
<p>Role: ${role}</p>
<p>Salary: ${salary}$</p>

Note: You must create controller class to resolve this view.

After running your application, open http://localhost:8080/sample, the response should be

Freemarker View

Assign Collection

Likewise simple variable assigning, we can also assign or declare collection or sequence type like list, arrays or map (hashes).

sample.ftlh (template file)

<#assign fruits = ["Apple", "Banana", "Orange", "Grapes", "Guava"]>
    <#list fruits as fruit>

Freemarker View

Assign Hashes (Maps in other words)


<#-- assign sequence of hashes (with key, value pairs)-->
    <#assign devices = [
    {"name": "Desktop Computer", "price": 800},
    {"name": "Samsung Computer", "price": 600},
    {"name": "Dell Computer", "price": 1500},
    {"name": "HP Computer", "price": 1000},
    {"name": "Asus Computer", "price": 1200},
    {"name": "Mac Computer", "price": 1800}
        <h2>Print Devices</h2>
        <#list devices as d>
        <p>${} for ${d.price}$</p>

Freemarker View

Using Built in sort_by Method


    <h2>Print Devices (sorted by price)</h2>
    <#list devices?sort_by("price") as d>
    <p>${} for ${d.price}$</p>

    <h2>Print Devices (sorted by name)</h2>
    <#list devices?sort_by("name") as d>
    <p>${} for ${d.price}$</p>

Freemarker View

Note: The sort_by is the built in method of sequence (list directive) type. You can refer this documentation: Freemarker Built in methods for Sequences